We did it!! We left Buenos Aires and moved to the countryside, the seaside. A complete change of lifestyle: From the big city to the countryside. From smog to fresh air, from constant noise to the sound of the wind and the singing of the birds.
"For a a long time, we have been dreaming of living a more conscious life, more conected with nature and ourselves."
Buenos Aires has been our home for a long time: in my case, for 15 years, for Cris, more than 20. .. A long time, nourishing our tango, our art and enjoying the vibrant movement of the city. When we discovered this particular place at the seaside, however, we fell in love instantly: surrounded by birds, green, the wind and the sea, we felt a profound conection with ourselves. A deep source of inspiration. Contemplation, Conection, Creation… Longing to protect this little green haven and
to live in harmony with nature.
It took us almost two years to take the step and to leave behind the Mecca of tango. To leave behind what is familiar, our friends, the milongas, … fear of being disconnected…
And yet, we feel more alive and connected with our art than ever.
Now, a lot of challenges and new proyects await:
- What is it we really need to be happy? Moving out of a big house in the city to a tiny country house means, to reduce yourself to what is essential.
- Where are we going to rehearse: How can we build a sustainable dance studio in the middle of the countryside?
- Climate can be challenging: How to deal with the cold in winter?
- How to grow our own vegetables? How to build a compost?
- How to reduce garbage to almost zero?
- And, in times of Corona: Without being able to travel: How can we stay in touch with our students all over the world?
"Our tango is made from who we are, what we experience, live and do. Our tango is much more than steps, it is a way of living. "
Via this blog, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, we would like to invite you to participante in our new life and our tango. https://facebook.com/mikaycristiantango https://www.instagram.com/mikaycristian/