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Experience Tango!


Do you want to …

… improve quickly?
… overcome the feeling of stagnation?
… use the maximum of your potential?

Take the shortcut to happiness!!

We will make YOU our priority!!

A unique experience

We make each private lesson a unique experience. This is why we specifically design each class for you like a tailor-made suit. Every person has a different body, has lived his personal history, comes from a specific background and cultural understanding and has its very own desires.
We pay attention to the detail, who you are -  and together with you, we will define what you need, want and what your potential could be. In our first approach, we will define a personalized program together with you and establish the topics to be worked on and the objectives to be reached.

Experience Tango with your five senses:

In our training room, we will create the ambience for you to experience tango with all your five senses. Only when technical precision, musical connection and emotion are combined, those „magical“ moments in tango will appear.

This is how we take you there:

- Musical understanding:

Dancing is music made visible in your body.
Sounds amazing, now how do we get there?
You will learn how to breath with the singer, make pauses when he does, move when he sings. You will feel the rhythm inside of you, move your body like an instrument.

We will help you understand the subtle differences between the orquestras and how to dance them.

- The lyrics:

What is the underlying emotion of the song? Is it nostalgic, passionate, angry? What story does the song tell you and how can you express this emotion in your dance?

- Technical precision:

The ease is reached by perfection. This is why an important part of the class will be training the technique.

We help you overcome your "bad habits" and all those little mistakes you have been cultivating for all those years.
Specific exercises and training tools will stimulate your body to easily incorporate complex technical structures.


- Spirit:

Tango is all about connecting - with the music, with your partner, with the other couples on the dancefloor.
It is a way of living, it is how people walk on the streets in Buenos Aires, the excitement of the city centre, the nostalgia, the chamuyo (flirting).
With us, you will live the Argentine tango and incorporate it in a natural and spontaneous way.

Make a difference:
If you want to make a considerable progress in your dancing, we recommend you to take a package of several lessons, ideally 1:30hs each. This will help us to go into details and develop a significant change.

Experience Tango! Is about amplifying your senses. Making you live every moment of your Tango with intensity. Savour it like a good wine. Maximize your pleasure.

We will motivate you to push your limits and you will make progress without even noticing the effort.


Don´t waste more time  - Invest in yourself!!




Click here for special prices for packages


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